19. September 2023
A quick intro to the Physics of Wetting
Water forms droplets on the surface of a leaf but it spreads and completely wets the skin of a snail. Why does water behave so differently on the two surfaces? In this video, we introduce the fundamental concepts of surface tension, contact angle and the difference between hydrophobic and…
15. February 2023
A quick intro to Complexity
The Earth, which once was a messy ball of melted rock, is now teeming with complex living creatures extraordinarily adapted to their ecosystem. But the second law of thermodynamics tells us that systems spontaneously tend towards disorder and structures states, just like milk tends to mix with…
2. February 2023
A quick intro to Irreversibility
Have you ever seen a movie backwards in time? How did you figure out that the time was flowing backwards? This could seem a silly question. But think about it. It strongly depends on the what process the movie was showing! If you see many pieces of broken glass coming together from different…