How Protein Condensates Age
Protein condensates are dense droplets of proteins that organise the interior of the cell. Curiously, they age, meaning their physical properties such as viscosity change over time. In our paper “Theory of rheology and aging of protein condensates” published in PRX Life, we study how protein condensates become very viscous with time reflecting its glassy nature. We formulate a theory to understand this intriguing phenomenon.
Check out the paper for more info!
Current news by our research groups
Agnes Toth-Petroczy Group,Anthony Hyman Group
CD-Code is now published in Nature Methods
CD-CODE is now published in Nature Methods. It is a “living database” that we designed for fast addition and review of information about condensates and proteins and is open to users and expert researchers who would like to contribute. Join us and visit cd-code! CD code has been a…
Computational Postdoc or PhD student (m/f/d) in protein evolution and biomolecular condensates
The Toth-Petroczy lab is an interdisciplinary research group at MPI-CBG and CSBD that studies protein evolution. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) and the Center for Systems…
We are hiring a Software Developer
The Toth-Petroczy lab is an interdisciplinary research group at MPI-CBG and CSBD that studies protein evolution. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) and the Center for…
Simon Alberti Group,Alf Honigmann Group,Anthony Hyman Group,Marcus Jahnel Group
A role for RNA in Stress Granules assembly
Stress granules are membraneless compartments formed by phase separation of specific molecules upon exposure to cellular stress such as oxidative stress, heat shock, or osmotic stress. The Alberti, Jahnel, Honigmann, and Hyman labs published a study in cell highlighting the role of RNA in the…
Filament formation by the translation factor eIF2B regulates protein synthesis in starved cells
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs), the enzymes responsible for coupling tRNAs to their cognate amino acids, minimize translational errors by intrinsic hydrolytic editing. Here, we compared norvaline (Nva), a linear amino acid not coded for protein synthesis, to the proteinogenic, branched valine…
Moritz Kreysing Group,Simon Alberti Group,Anthony Hyman Group
Condensation regulates translation
New insights into the influence of Ded1p condensation on translation comes from the Hyman, Alberti and Kreysing labs. The study published in Cell is entitled "Condensation of Ded1p Promotes a Translational Switch from Housekeeping to Stress Protein Production". Graphical abstract: Abstract: Cells…